Harmony Springs Beverages Peach

Harmony Springs Beverages Peach
Jim, the reason we brought you here is actually for an intervention, not for a pie eating competition. It was the only thing we could think of to get you out here. Jim, we're worried about you. We've known for a long time about what you've been up to and it's time that we, your friends and family, talk to you about the way that it makes us feel. Jim...I'm just going to come out and say this. We don't think that it's right that you eat candles. I'm sorry but as your friend and the best man in your wedding, I feel someone has to tell you that it's just not right, man.

What do you mean that you don't eat candles? Your breath smells like candles all the time. We see you during the day and night and your breath smells like candles. How do you explain that? You what? You don't eat candles? Well what could it be, Jim? Pop? What do you mean it's pop? Yeah, go out to your car and grab some. Tom? Tom. Watch Jim to make sure he doesn't leave. He's going out to his car to get some pop.

This is it? This is what smells like candles? Let me have a little sip of this. Oh. Oh. Jim. You drink this? It tastes like a peach candle. It smells like shopping at the mall in a store next to the candle shop. This drink tastes like carbonated peach wax teeth. Jim, I'm sorry. I think I speak on behalf of everyone in this room when I say that we're sorry to have brought you out here. You can leave, man. What? Was that? No, I'm sorry. It just sounded like you asked me if I was going to finish that candle over there. Jim. Did you just ask if you could eat the rest of this candle? Where are you going? Jim. You put those votives back in the bag, Jim. You get back here. Don't you walk out this door. Tom?! Where are you? You're letting him leave with four candlesticks in his back pockets, Tom!
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Mike Literman on 11/17/14, 12:21 AM
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