Hawaiian OLA Sparkling Noni Pineapple Punch

Hawaiian OLA Sparkling Noni Pineapple Punch
I've mentioned my brief time spent in Hawaii many times on this website. I tend to romanticize that time of my life, well, because it was magical. I went off to a tropical paradise with all expectations of not enjoying it, because I simply am not a beach person, but my friends who planned the trip were no dummies and they made sure we stayed in the “natural” part of Hawaii. There were no cities. I think I saw two chain stores the entire time I was there. Everything else was local little shops and nature and it was exactly what I needed. Any troubles I had did not matter for those 8 days. Anything that takes me back to that time makes me smile and I appreciate it in the low times.

While only the pineapple in here takes me back with the taste sense, just knowing it was from Hawaii was enough tonight. I'm imagining I'm walking through some lush jungle type area, or that I'm sitting on a beach at dusk watching the waves and truly relaxing for one of the first times in my life. There is caffeine and niacin in this beverage, so it shouldn't be relaxing me, but it's giving me energy while the thoughts keep me calm. On top of the wonder that is pineapple juice this can also contains mostly yerba mate tea, which may be my favorite type of tea. It tastes earthy and slightly bitter, the way nature does. Actually that pineapple I mentioned it's not even a secondary player in here. It's yerba mate, then noni and then pineapple. It's refreshing. It's tropical. It's just the push I need on a spring day like today where there is still snow on the ground, but the temperate has finally hit 50 degrees. There is a light in the darkness of winter and it is here and everything will be warm and new.
Iced Tea and Sparkling
Hawaiian OLAWebsite@Hawaiian_OLA
United States
Organic Hawaiian Honey
Jason Draper on 4/2/15, 10:14 PM
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