Hippo Size Prodigious Peach

Hippo Size Prodigious Peach
Ben, I told you I have no idea what you are talking about. To the best of my knowledge I have never seen a cartoon, an adertisement, a drawing, or even graphitti of a hippo wearing an orange tutu dancing around with a sceptor like a little princess. I think you've spent too much time working with those chemicals down at the plant. I mean that's pretty creative, but don't get mad at me when I have no idea what you're talking about and it's more than likely something you made up in your head. What made you think of that anyways? Oh you had a bottle of peach pop that was called Hippo Size. Well, I guess that makes sense. So how was it? Oh that's too bad. It's always a bummer when you get your hopes up and visions of ballerina hippos and then what you are delivered is just a sweet generic tasting soda with a splash of flavor that tastes like candy and not fruit. I'm always shocked when companies make the effort to include cane sugar, but then put out a less than mediocre product. You know what? I'm not surprised that you were daydreaming. You need something to raise your spirits after a disappointment like that.
Soda Pop
Hippo SizeWebsite
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 11/12/14, 6:51 PM
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