Hubert's Half & Half Lemonade Tea Original Green Tea

Hubert's Half & Half Lemonade Tea Original Green Tea
It has been in the 90's and 100's the past week in Portland. This is very unnatural for Portland, and it sucks. I hate the heat, which is why I moved here. All I've been doing is sitting in front of a fan and drinking water. I decided to venture out into the sun today and found this lemonade tea at a corner store I don't frequent much. Hubert's has never done me wrong so this was a good thing to stumble upon.

Now I'm a big fan of half and half's and I've tried a good number of them in my day. It's hard to get the tea to lemonade ratio perfect, but Hubert's did a damn good job. The lemonade is sweet and tangy, but still lets the mellow green tea flavor come through. If this was more widely available it would be my go-to half and half.
Iced Tea and Lemonade
United States
Cane Sugar
Derek Neuland on 8/6/12, 6:14 PM
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