Hydrive Energy Alertness Formula Kiwi Strawberry

Hydrive Energy Alertness Formula Kiwi Strawberry
Let's kick this thing in to high gear! I wish we had a commemorative drink to...commemorate this occasion. What do you have there? HyDrive? What's that, an energy drink? I don't like energy drinks. They taste like someone put fake sugar and a case of Smarties in a can and called it "energy". Fine, I'll try it. Because this is such a momentous occasion, I will try it. Because you are the best man in my wedding, I will try it.

It's not bad. Is that strawberry? Kiwi strawberry, huh? Cool. Got to say, I don't get any kiwi but the strawberry is pretty good. It's got the smallest bit of a diet sting to it, but it's so light that it's not hard to convince myself it's the strawberry.

I don't feel energized but it's only been three minutes. It's pretty good and at only thirty calories per bottle, I'm sure to still fit in this cummerbund. Now where were we? Right. The momentous occasion that is buying a killer 1988 Ford Taurus sedan. Let's kick this thing in to high gear!
Energy Drink
Hydrive EnergyWebsite@HYDRIVE
United States
Mike Literman on 7/13/11, 8:57 PM
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