iChill Relaxation Shot

iChill Relaxation Shot
Things got real weird in my brain last night. I'm not one to subscribe to the preaching of the apocalypse, but for some reason as I lay in bed, trying to fall asleep I started to wonder if all this jazz about the Mayan calendar was correct, and that the world was going to end in a couple of weeks. It started off with me thinking that everything was going to end in one big shebang, like the sun was going to collide with the Earth and everyone and everything would die instantaneously. At this point I just tried to get everything in order in my mind of where I wanted to be, and with who (aka the woods with my close family and friends). I thought I was okay with that, but then my pre-sleep mind started to think about what would happen if there was disaster everyone, but I still lived. I instantly wrote off zombies, and thought more of a The Road type scenario. I was trying to figure out everything I would have to get together and where I'd go when I decided that I was an idiot and I really needed to get to sleep, so I reached into my nightstand and pulled out this bad boy. It certainly helped calm my brain down, and made it do normal brain things like sleep when it's 3am and you have to be up in six hours. Thank goodness for melatonin, valerian root and rose hips.

Oh you want to know what it tastes like? Well it starts with a berry flavor, that is heavy on the blueberry side of things, and then it takes a quick turn that reminds me of iced teas that I have gotten at Asian markets that have licorice root in them. It doesn't taste like black jellybeans, but it tastes like a natural tea, or chewing on a switch from a licorice tree. So we have a decent flavor and no worries about the end of the world…€¦I feel fine.
Relaxation and Shot
United States
Jason Draper on 12/5/12, 10:20 AM
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