Iron Horse Orange Cream Soda

Iron Horse Orange Cream Soda
Carl has worked on the railroad for the past 43 years of his life. He's loaded the trains, switched cars, and shoveled coal. He's done just about every job that there is to do on a train, with the exception of being the conductor. The little had just never suited him. He was known to say "If I wanted to look like a damn fool I'd have gotten a job with the opera." Carl is a strange man.

His fellow workers respect him as an old timer, but they also fear him, as he was prone to go off the handle for no good reason. When he got into one of these moods the only thing that could calm him down were jokes about the opera and this self same orange cream soda. Before you ask, yes it has to be Iron Horse soda. Someone once tried to slip him a Stewarts and that gentleman ended up with a hair do full of broken glass. There's just something about this particular brand that soothes the crotchety beast. Some say it's because it's not as creamsicle-esque as other brands. They say that it's more of a cream soda with orange flavoring added to it. Others say it's just because this is one of the smoothest sodas out. It's easy to find yourself through an entire bottle in the blink of an eye. What everyone can agree on is that whenever the trains run through MN they are sure to pick up a couple of cases to keep the old man happy. After all he dedicated his life to the rails, shouldn't he be rewarded in some way?
Soda Pop
Iron Horse
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 11/25/11, 10:00 AM
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