Joia All Natural Soda Ginger Apricot Allspice

Joia All Natural Soda Ginger Apricot Allspice
I think that the chronology of it happens like this:
  1. Thirsty Dudes is created.

  2. Some dudes read the reviews and decide they know the key to our hearts.

  3. Joia is created solely to please us.

  4. We find Joia drinks and review them all highly.

All of these drinks are wonderfully handcrafted and include a fantastic blend of ingredients that no other companies let happen. Allspice in a drink? That's crazy. Well, lame drink companies, it's not crazy. It's fantastic. Even if it is crazy, it's done with a logical base and really delivers. You get a little ginger, more flavor that spice, but it's there. The apricot really blasts through but the allspice hangs out with you like the faithful friend. Beginning to end the drink keeps on delivering.

Joia, we know that you used us as a cheat sheet to make "the perfect drinks" but we don't care. Keep up the good work. If this was math class, we would lean over and let you cheat off our paper and sorry about our poor penmanship. If all else fails, answer "C."
Soda Pop and Ginger
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 4/1/13, 2:35 PM
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