Jones Soda Strawberry Lime

Jones Soda Strawberry Lime
Once a year the abominable snowman takes a trip into town in order to pick up supplies to help get him through the winter. Sure, he was once a savage that lived in the mountains of Nepal, but times have changed. It's a crazy world out there, and he decided for a change. As a result he ended up in northern Canada (How could he say no to universal health care?). The only problem with this is that people would run in terror at the sight of him. Then the pitchforks and torches would come out and it would end up being a terrible day. In order to get around this he has learned to wear baggy clothes and to shave off all of his visible hair. Don't worry though it grows back, fast. In fact it grows back too fast.

Last year he got all ready and trekked into the local town. He purchased everything that he would need for the upcoming winter. He purchased some rice, beans, chocolate, canned vegetables and most importantly a case of Jones' Strawberry Lime soda. It's his absolute favorite. If he could buy 20 cases of it, he would. Too bad he couldn't carry that much with him back up the mountain. It's hard enough lugging a single case up to the summit, but he does what he has to do. He then rations out the bottles to one a week so that they last all winter. It's hard to do and he usually spends the last month of winter soda free and grieving. He really just can't get enough of it. It doesn't really taste like strawberries, but more of a candied version of it, but the lime is pure lime all the way. The way lime mixes with other flavors will always be a mystery, a delicious mystery. It's sweet and bubbly and it hits the spot perfectly during the long Canadian winters.

As I was saying he had purchased everything he needed and was about to leave town, when he noticed people giving him weird looks. He scowled back thinking they were just being rude, until he caught a glimpse of his reflection. His hair was growing back sooner than expecting. During the 2 seconds he looked in the window it had gone from slight stubble to a two-week beard, and it didn't seem to be stopping. He panicked and ran threw town. Leaving most of his purchases by the storefront. He got out of town as fast as he could. He was already back at his mountain before he realized that the only thing he still had on him was his case of soda. Oh well, he might be hungry all winter, but at least he had his beloved soda. You don't believe me? Well take a look at the bottle. Someone snapped a picture of the rampage last year and sent it in to Jones. It won the contest and made it onto the strawberry lime label. If he wasn't so embarrassed to return the town, I'm sure he would be overjoyed that his image now graces his favorite soda.
Soda Pop
Inverted Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 1/18/12, 11:07 PM
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