Kutztown Root Beer

Kutztown Root Beer
Invisibility; the world's most desirable super power. Flying? Yeah, that's awesome. I would love that, but invisibility...that's where it's at. Honestly, the best place is probably some sort of girls changing room or communal shower. What? I'm a scumbag? Yeah, like you didn't think it. I guess practical jokes would also be pretty awesome. Ghosting people. Carrying drinks around, making them look like they're floating. That would be awesome. When you're invisible and when you eat things, do they just disappear when you eat them? I would be psyched if you could eat things as "an invisible" and the food would go down and look like it was being processed, but then it will eventually turn in to poop and it's just going to be a walking turd and that will kind of give it away.

Oh, what am I getting at? This root beer was smooth, but there is no sign of head. Head is invisible but there is that essence of some sort of foam. It's a creamy root beer, really light. It's pretty average, but it's at very least, surprising.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 2/26/11, 4:24 PM
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