La Colombe Draft Latte

La Colombe Draft Latte
I don't know what's happening to me, but I think I'm starting to like coffee. Well at least fancy “ready to drink” coffee. The past couple that I have tried (minus the Marley) I have actually enjoyed a great deal. Something about them has been different though. Even though they have been a variety or different preparations they have all been very smooth with little acidity. In the world of coffee smooth is the descriptor that I am looking for.

This is a “Draft Latte” which I'm pretty sure is a term that La Colombe invented. It's a can of frothed milk with a shot of cold-pressed espresso added (hence the smoothness). There is no added sweetener and there doesn't need to be. You can get a taste for the actual coffee and the milk (I do with it were almond or soy, but I'll enjoy what I can get). I don't really understand how the milk stays frothy, but it really does have that specific feel/taste. Okay I just looked it up and it's the way the can is pressurized that froths the milk when you crack it open. That's good science there.

I'm certainly not Mr Fancy Pants in most aspects of my life, but when it comes to coffee that's apparently what I need. I wish I could talk about the roast or whatever, but that is lost on me. This tastes like coffee when coffee is good. It's frothy, smooth and wonderful.
La ColombeWebsite@LaColombeCoffee
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 7/6/16, 3:33 PM
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