Last Shot Original

Last Shot Original
Bro...I'm so hung over. I had a few too many Corona Lights, Bud Lights, strawberry daiquiris, Appletinis, Fuzzy Navels, Sex on the Beaches, Singapore Sling, Jagerbombs, and Zimas. Yeah, I drank all of them. What? I'm 22 and I am invincible. What was my tab? I don't know. Hold on. I'll get it. It was...$321.86. Woo. That's a lot. You were right there. Do we have any coffee? I'm dying over here. How are you fine? You drank one last shot? I don't understand how a shot saves you from the immense headache that I'm feeling. What? It's a powder? Are you talking about coke? Dude, I will drink until the sun comes up but I'm not doing coke. Oh, you're not talking about coke. Alright. It's a thing you put in water that you drink after you slam a few dozen drinks? Would it have helped me? You think it would? Did you see how many Bartles and James I had last night? So you just drink it and it makes hangover's not happen? My god. How do I get that inside of me like eight hours ago? Can I try one? You do what? You press it into a bottle of water? That's cool. It tastes like chalky, fruity Smarties. It's not bad, but it's clearly a powder in its infancy. I like it and it's drinkable, though. I would easily drink this after a night of crushing Smirnoff Ice.

I wish I had found this last night. I wish I had a better roommate that would allow me to not have the room spin. I guess until time travel is invented, I'm going to lay here on the kitchen floor with the lights off. Oh, you need to make a sandwich? What time is it? 4:00!? Well I'm fired. I don't even care. I'm not leaving this floor until that ceiling fan starts spinning on its own and not by my mind's way. This is sickening.
Energy Drink, Sports/Dietary Supplement and Mix/Concentrate
Last ShotWebsite@lastshotdrink
United States
Mike Literman on 7/6/12, 4:35 PM
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