Lipton Iced Tea Sparkling Classic

Lipton Iced Tea Sparkling Classic
I love when I'm in another country and I find a product from a company that I am very familiar with that we don't have back home. Most notably are all of the crazy flavors of Coca Cola that are hanging around this planet. Some of ridiculously good, and some are just plain ridiculous.

After spending a week and a half in the UK baffled by not being able to find a single bottle of iced tea, I came across this in Germany. Seriously though, we're talking about a region of the planet that probably consumes more hot tea then the rest of the world combined, and the iced variety is not in corner stores? Ludicrous. This was an exciting find though. Not only would I get my iced tea fix, but I would also get to try it in carbonated form.

For some reason I expected this to taste like Brisk with bubbles, and was greatly pleased to find out that was not the case. It tastes like normal Lipton's lemon tea, except you know…€¦carbonated. I'm sure that is what most of the denizens of this planet would expect this to taste like, but I live in America where corn syrup is king and it leads to gross teas.

I have to admit that the bubbles were a bit weird at first, but by the end of the can I was getting the hang of it. This is something I could definitely get used to. Who knows if it will ever make it to my neck of the woods with this formula though? With my luck it will show up and just be a syrupy mess that will deserve one sip and then an introduction to the filth bin.
Iced Tea and Sparkling
Jason Draper on 5/10/14, 1:47 PM
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