LIV Organic Citrus Passion

LIV  Organic Citrus Passion
You've worked hard all day. You endured an entire triathlon and you're not even tired. You almost gave up when it got to the running part, but you stuck it out. You're a champ. You deserve a treat. How about a nice organic sports drink to re-fuel. I know that took a lot out of you. In the past this company hasn't treated you very well, but with this drink they made up for it. It tastes like orange juice and passion fruit juiced mixed up with a little bit of sea salt mixed in to replace your electrolytes. It's one of the better sports drinks you've had, due to it being all-natural. Now it's time to get up and cut the grass. You've already wasted most of the afternoon watching that triathlon on CNN.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
LIV Website@LIV_Organic
United States
Organic Agave Nectar
Jason Draper on 10/10/11, 4:46 PM
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