Mayer Bros. Strawberry Lemonade

Mayer Bros. Strawberry Lemonade
Once a year some friends of ours host “Goth Beach Day.” It's really not as funny as you would think. No one gets dressed up or anything. It's really just a bunch of overly pale people with a lot of tattoos taking over the beach. The most goth attire present was probably the sleeveless Bauhaus shirt I wore, a parasail and our friend Derek wore a stripped shirt that made him look like Pugsley. I can safely say that our little group used more sunscreen than the rest of the beach combined.

Let it be known that I love the beach, but only at night. The sun and I have been at war with each other for the past 33 years. I lose more often than not. Basically at these outings most people are enjoying the sun and the water, while I'm miserable trying my hardest to not get sunburn (I got some on the top of my head and my hand, not too bad). I also spent my time sipping on this bottle of Lemonade. A company in my hometown of West Seneca makes it. They are best known for their apple cider and in the fall their mill is open to the public. It's magical. Going to a cider mill in the fall with the chilly weather would be a more fitting outing for this group. I should propose that. So yeah, they are starting to expand their line and have released a series of flavored lemonades. Tastily flavored lemonades at that. I generally find that large bottle flavored lemonades such as this are better when watered down a bit, but Mayer Bros got it perfect. It's not too sweet. Nor is it too tart. It's simply refreshing lemonade with a decent bit of strawberry flavoring to it. Both lemon and strawberries living in perfect harmony. It's the goth dream. Wait…€¦.whhaaaaaaaatttttt?
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Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 7/11/12, 12:00 PM
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