MiO Liquid Water Enhancer Strawberry Watermelon

MiO Liquid Water Enhancer Strawberry Watermelon
I did not know what to expect when I heard of MiO. I love the idea of having a drink mix in a super-concentrate and not having to fuss with powder. I don't hate powders, but from a practicality standpoint, it's easier to carry one thing than many things. Women, do you have purses? Carry this and don't carry 24 drink mixes around with you. Problem 1 is solved. Problem 2? Diet drinks are gross and often really gross. MiO scared me at first. It's a concentrate, so the flavor is concentrated, and you know what else is? The artificial sweetener. I didn't think that I was going to like it from the smell alone. I was still going to try it, obviously, but that caught me by surprise. Oh wait, I didn't solve problem 2. So I made the drink, and we at Thirsty Dudes don't mess around when it comes to mix drinks. We follow directions to a T so that it's easily reproducible. For this, I did the recommended "1 squirt" per 8oz. of water. It did not taste diet at all. There wasn't a hint of diet. It tasted like if you had juice, drank three quarters, filled the glass back up with water, and started re-drinking it.

I don't want to say that it tasted like weak juice; because here's the best thing about it...you can just add more mix. Oh, it's too weak? Add more mix. Done. It's completely customizable. You can mix flavors if you want. It could be good.

I like this as a product as I, as well as many others, wish that MiO had used Stevia or something natural since everyone is up in arms about chemical sweeteners. That being said, sucralose might have been a more disguise-able sweetener. Stevia might have had more sweetness that they didn't want. I'm sure they looked into it.

Look, this is clearly a well thought out product. It eliminates the need for many and consolidates into one easy to use, easy to travel, thing. It tasted good and I feel confident about the whole packaging not opening when it shouldn't do to a rather sturdy click.

This is a brand spanking new product and since it's not gross, even if you aren't on a diet, give it a try. I'm happy that Kraft and MiO took the time to send us some samples so that we could share this with you. I feel like we're breaking ground with crisp new, revolutionary products.
Diet and Mix/Concentrate
United States
Mike Literman on 3/9/11, 12:25 PM
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