Naked Mango Veggie

Naked Mango Veggie
Mark, we have a problem. Friday night I was in a rush to get out of here and I didn't exactly close the door to the giant fridge all the way, and by all the way I mean at all. It was wide open all weekend. As a result almost everything has spoiled. I know it shouldn't have spoiled so quickly but I also left the heat up on high. Don't look at me like that. It was freezing in here, and I was soaking wet because you had me wash down all the produce in advance for some reason. That's right I'm blaming you Mark. If you wouldn't have tried to get ahead of the game, none of this would have happened. Due to that fact that we have just decided that you are to blame, I need you to go down to the grocery store and buy all the baby food they have. We'll whip that down and thin it out a bit. Our mangoes somehow made it through the weekend so we'll mix them with baby food. Can't you just see the new flavor "Mango Veggie."

This really does taste and have the consistency of thinned out baby food. Don't let that deter you though because it actually tastes great. It's initially sweet and fruity due to the mango and apple puree, but then it fades out into a subtle veggie flavor. You can make out the corn, carrots and chickpeas. It seems really strange, but I do like it. Don't be scared off. Give it a try. Mark needs all of your help since I blamed this all on him. If this shipment doesn't sell, he will surely be back at the unemployment line, and by that I mean watching talk shows on his couch all day. He doesn't deserve a vacation like that. It's up to you to stop him from enjoying life.
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 10/24/11, 4:24 PM
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