Noble Organic Chia Beet

Noble Organic Chia Beet
I like everything about this juice. I mean I really like everything about this drink, but I have a problem with it. You see it's called Chia Beet and the front label says it's beets, berries and chia seed juice, which would be all well and good if the main ingredient weren't orange juice. The main flavor in this bottle is orange juice with beets, berries and chia seed added to it (with no added texture I'd like to note). I went into this expecting an earthy berry drink and what I got was an interesting twist on a morning favorite. As I said I really like it, I just wish it labeled itself as what it is. There is no shame in it. You are a beautiful juice. Accept yourself and let the world know what you are and let them know just how wonderful you are. Blueberries, strawberries, beets and chia seeds added to orange juice is not a common thing, but it is a very delicious thing. Be strong. Be proud.
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 3/27/16, 4:46 PM
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