Noble Organic Greens

Noble Organic Greens
What am I, an amateur? I started drinking this juice before I remembered to take a picture of it. That's a rookie move, and I've been on this job for far too long to be pulling crap like that. Perhaps Old Man Literman will finally fire me this time. Can you be fired from an equal partnership? Would it have to be a hostile takeover? Should I get some tactical pants and stock up on paintballs in order to defend myself on the field of glory? That's how hostile takeovers work, right? The bigwigs all meet up at the paintball place and just have it out? If so I'm calling you out and I'm taking you down Mike. You're not taking my company from me, just because I forgot to take a picture until I was halfway through a juice that wasn't as good as I wanted it to be. Sure, I knew it was called “Greens,” but I wanted it have a strong vanilla and apple flavor with the beneficial greens kind of hiding in the background. Yeah, the apple and vanilla are both there, but so are the kale, flaxseed and spirulina. Actually this is pretty good. My brain was ready for one thing and was presented with another. The thing is that other thing isn't bad at all. I bet if I got another bottle of this I would love it because I would know what to expect. This is the kind of juice that you would be served in a juice bar, and not the kind that normally comes prepackaged. I'm into it though. Actually, it's pretty great. I will use the health benefits to help me wipe the paintball arena with that chump I call a partner. We'll see if his years of Laser Tag training has gotten him ready for the big time.
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 3/30/16, 1:11 PM
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