O-Key Refrescos (Yellow)

O-Key Refrescos (Yellow)
I think I found this soda in a little Mexican mart in Philly. There is no flavor listed on it, nor are their ingredients listed. I always assumed that it was a pineapple soda, and since that is something I love I've been saving it for an appropriate time. When I finally drank it last night I felt I had taken a one-way train ride to disappointment city. Where I had expected an uber sweet candied pineapple flavor, all I got was the taste of over sweetened bubbly water, with only the faintest tinge of some sort of citrus. I don't even know if this was supposed to be pineapple anymore. I only made it a quarter way through the bottle when I decided that drinking this wasn't worth it.

As a beverage it's not gross, it's just there, and not what I look for in a soda at all. This is sub-store brand quality. On the other hand it does have a really cool bottle that I enjoy a great deal. Still, that is not enough to save this soda.
Soda Pop
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Jason Draper on 8/28/12, 9:42 AM
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