On Powered Refreshment Dragonfruit Tangerine

On Powered Refreshment Dragonfruit Tangerine
I brought this along with me when I was running errands yesterday, and I have to admit that I thought it was fairly gross and only took two sips. I was then placed in my cup holder and returned to my fridge when I got home. For the past 24 hours every time I opened the door to grab a drink or something to eat it just stared at me. I decided I should just take a few more sips, write a review and get it over with. The thing is when I tried it again today it tasted totally different and I enjoyed it. For some reason yesterday it had an overpowering aftertaste that I would liken to eating a pile of orange pulp that had all it's juice drained out. Not a happy time. Now that flavor is so miniscule I probably wouldn't even have noticed it unless I was looking or it, which I was.

To dumb this down for everyone to have a point of reference this would best be described as Vitamin Water that has natural caffeine and B vitamins added to it to give the drinker a little boost of energy (meant to increase stamina, boost brainpower, and enhance focus, not get you to participate in extreme sports). It's sweetened by a combination of cane sugar, erythritol and stevia, which gives it a lower calorie content without tasting overly diet. The flavor is light but pleasant. It could easily be passed off as a genuine Vitamin Water for those stubborn folks who don't like to try new things. I personally think this is a superior version to the low calorie beverages that particular company puts out. Dragonfruit is sometimes compared to a light kiwi, but I think it is its own fruit. I don't know how else to describe it though.

I don't know what was up with my taste buds yesterday, but I'm glad they are back in order. This is a beverage I can sit back and enjoy without any feelings of guilt and gluttony.
Diet, Energy Drink and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 6/22/14, 8:41 PM
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