Phancy Soda Chanh Vietnamese Sparkling Limeade with Strawberry & Lyc

Phancy Soda Chanh Vietnamese Sparkling Limeade with Strawberry & Lyc
"Does it taste like an old woman?" I said to my mom as she tried this drink. She answered with a confident "No." Look, sometimes lychee tastes like old women and that's fine because old women need love, too. This drink tastes like sparkling limeade but you honestly don't get much of a lychee taste. This drink grabbed my interest because of that fact that did a great job designing the can and the flavor sounded great. You know what? It was great. Everyone who tried it liked it. My dad did not try it because I'm pretty sure my dad only eats chicken. I saw him eat a burrito the other day and it might have been his first one. Strange considering I'm his son. Or am I? Something to think about.

Anyhow the drink is honestly good. It's got a nice, tart limeade taste and the "sparkles" make all the difference in the world. The strawberry gives it an extra sweetness that you can't get from just adding sugar. The lychee, eh, we'll let it slide. I'm still giving it four out of five regardless of the ingredient that might be too faint to mention. That's saying a lot.
Juice, Soda Pop and Sparkling
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 11/22/14, 1:29 PM
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