Polar Seltzer'ade Blueberry Lemonade

Polar Seltzer'ade Blueberry Lemonade
My life runs on Polar. I'm pretty sure that by my life running on it, it by default means that the (assumingly) homeless women, who I leave my cans and bottles for, also has her life run by it. Okay, not run, but she probably makes enough from me in a week to get a sandwich or two. I drink far too much of the stuff, well if that were possible. I went from cans, to liters, and have graduated to two liters, because there just that much more for me to consume.

When I saw this in the store, I really thought it was a repackaging of their bottles blueberry lemonade. I bought a box anyway, because I like to have some cans for when I'm out and about. People look at you weird when you're in public drinking directly from a big bottle, yet they walk around with gigantic fountain sodas and think nothing off it. Whatever. So I bought it, cooled them down and then drank one on my way to band practice. Now I love Polar, but they are not the most flavorful seltzer out there. Either La Croix or Spindrift probably has that honor. They all have their place; sometimes you want more, sometimes less. This though, this has a punch to it. The flavor in here is probably the strongest out of the Polar flavors I have tried, which is all of them, minus some seasonal ones I missed. It's wonderful and bold. It's to an extent that you forget that there is no sweetener involved. I need to back and try the bottled version again. I'm pretty sure this is reformulated, but I hope I'm wrong and it's as glorious in a bottle as it is in these cans.
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 8/19/17, 9:56 AM
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