Polar Seltzer Guava Mandarin

Polar Seltzer Guava Mandarin
Okay, I've gone from disgust, to passive fan and now I'm into avid drinker of seltzer water. It's been a wild ride, and it might all culminate with this drink right here. It's no secret that I am a fiend for guava and this beverage has somehow completely captured the essence of the guava without any sugar. I have no idea how they have done it. Most fruits lose their true flavor without some sweetness to them, but it's all here, right in this bottle. Sure there is a bit of mandarin in there as well, but who cares about that when you're getting greeted with guava every sip. In the world of fruit guava is king. There I just ruined the end of Game of Thrones for everyone. It ends with guava riding a dragon that is wearing a tiny crown.
Sparkling and Water
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 6/9/15, 11:57 AM
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