Power Coco Coconut Water Sports Drink Tropical Berry

Power Coco Coconut Water Sports Drink Tropical Berry
I took the day off of work so that I could fulfill my longtime interest in getting acupuncture. It was a weird/interesting experience. First of all it was one of the most relaxing things I've ever done. Secondly you don't feel the needles at all. I laid there for about an hour with a bunch of needles in my back and arms, and I had no problem with it. Afterwards the woman did cupping on me. If you're not familiar, basically they create a vacuum with cups on your back and it's supposed to suck out bad energy. It was pretty much like a reverse massage as it just pulls on your back skin. My back looks like it's covered in huge hickies from it. It was slightly uncomfortable at parts because the cups really pull a lot. Afterwards I was in a slight daze. I was told to drink a lot of water. No problem, I drink tons of water all day. Well apparently not enough. I felt dehydrated a few hours later, so I turned to the magical power of coconut water, and it did wonders.

This tastes like someone mixed a normal sports drink with coconut water, which I guess is what it is, so that's a good thing. This thing will hydrate you like no one's business. Plants will have all the electrolytes they could ever possibly crave. The tropical berry flavor tastes a bit heavy on the acai side of things. I don't even know if there's any in here, but it tastes like a bunch of berries and acai mixed together with a coconut aftertaste. I would have preferred it to just be your normal berries, but it's not a deal breaker.

Seriously though, if you have any interest in acupuncture, I say make the plunge. After one session my arm/shoulder feels worlds better. It'll cure what ails you. Then drink one of these puppies afterwards so you don't crash.
Coconut and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Power CocoWebsite@DrinkPOWERCOCO
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 9/11/12, 4:52 PM
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