Purity Organic Honey Green Tea

Purity Organic Honey Green Tea
When a beverage has pictures of honey combs all over it, as this one does, and it boasts to include organic honey, I expect a very, very strong honey flavoring to it. Actually I would be fine with a plain old very strong honey flavor to it. Unfortunately Purity Organic did not deliver. I went in expecting a thick, sticky tea and what I received was a pretty standard green tea with just a touch of honey added. I wanted them to go overboard with that particular ingredient, and it ended up being something that you could miss if you weren't looking for it. I still enjoyed the beverage, but I had high hopes that were not met. It tastes like a natural version of Arizona's green tea. We here at Thirsty Dudes will always have a soft spot for that particular beverage, so that is nothing but an improvement on a classic to us. Just up the honey, will ya?
Iced Tea
Purity OrganicWebsite@purityorganic
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 10/5/14, 6:01 PM
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