Rage Pink

Rage Pink
Will someone out there please lie to me and confirm the thought in my head that this line of energy drinks was created for or by the 90's rapper The Lady of Rage. I want so badly for the woman who rocked ruff and stuff with her afro puffs to have shifted her attention to a Canadian beverage company. If Snoop or Dre inspired shots show up on the market I will know that everything is right in the world. Until that point I will just avoid looking it up on the internet as to keep the dream alive.

This is a diet energy/electrolytes combination drink that has a general berry flavor that leans heavily on the strawberry for it's flavor. Actually it tastes a lot like the sugar free candies that my grandmother used to always have. I never liked them at first, but I would eat them because when your grandmother offers you candy, you accept it regardless of its sugar content. Eventually I grew to like those candies, and this is similar to what I remember them tasting like (It's been probably 20 years since I've had one). What I'm saying here is that this may be diet, sweetened with sucralose even, but it still tastes a little bit of alright.

The can is pink as you can see and it has the logo for the Breast Cancer Society of Canada on it, but it also makes no mention of any profits made from sales being donated. I will assume that it is the case as them using that imagery just to boost sales and not to share the wealth is pretty devious.
Diet and Energy Drink
Jason Draper on 11/26/13, 11:40 AM
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