Rockstar Energy Drink

Rockstar Energy Drink
You just rocked the pants off of Buffalo, NY. After playing in front of 30 people in the basement of 99 Custer, no one can dispute that you are now truly a rock star. All of the fame and riches are now yours for the taking. Now if only there was a drink out there marketed just for you that could bring your energy level back up to the top. Look no further my shredding friend because there is in fact an energy drink just for you and it's called Rockstar.

Like most "classic" energy drinks this tastes like liquefied candy. They all have their specific candy and this one falls under the category of Pixie Stix. That's right you too can have a drink that tastes like a bunch of chemicals that has 80 little paper straws of sugar dumped into it, and you don't have to worry about the fizz over. I always say that energy drinks taste like chemicals and they do, but after you have one or two, you develop a taste for them, which is very strange. Oh well, you better pack up your gear, tomorrow you're off to Lakewood, OH to play the Soggy Dog House!
Energy Drink
United States
Jason Draper on 9/11/11, 11:40 AM
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