Sioux City Cream Soda

Sioux City Cream Soda
I've been highly irritable the past two days. I blame it on the fact that it's the middle of a bitter cold winter, and nature tried to trick me with two days of hoodie weather before throwing me back into the frozen tundra. From the annoying activist hippy in the grocery store talking way louder than she needed to so everyone could hear how she was smarter than them because she ate so healthy (even though she looked sickly and wrecked) to friends not being able to hang out, I just haven't been in a good mood. All I wanted was to kick back and relax with a nice soda pop. When I opened the fridge all that was there was fruity pops. My annoyance level began to rise. Suddenly I remembered I had this gem stashed away in my back hall. Luckily the hall is unheated so the bottle was nice and cold.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, I love Sioux City. Their drinks may not be incredibly fancy, but they know how to make darn good soda. It's nice and creamy with just the right amount of vanilla. I drank it down and let the relaxation overtake me. I wish I were drinking it while sitting around a campfire with some cowboys. I need more cowboys in my life and less hippies.
Soda Pop
Sioux CityWebsite
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 1/3/11, 5:07 PM
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