Sonu Mango Peach

Sonu Mango Peach
Mark, I asked you to get me a flavored water. What is this crap you brought me? Sure its got water in it's name, but this tastes more like a juice than water. It's so darn sweet. It's absolutely nothing like what I wanted. I wanted something as light as can be, very crisp and just slightly flavored. Well I want it flavored enough that it doesn't taste like someone spit a little juice in my water, but what I want is 98% water. I want it to be like I took a nice frigid pitcher of water out of the fridge, poured myself a nice tall glass. I want that, but lightly flavored, like I said. I want the flavoring to be more of an aftertaste than the actual flavor of the drink. Water first. Flavor second. You have another bottle? That thing looks comically bad. Its label is just screaming artificial sweetener. It's sweetened with agave syrup you say? Well I'll give it a try. Wow this is exactly what I wanted. Now my only problem is that since it's like water I could probably drink ten bottles. Looks like you're going back out in that blizzard to pick up some more. Thanks Mark, you're a doll.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Organic Agave Syrup
Jason Draper on 10/16/11, 7:54 PM
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