Sprecher Orange Dream

Sprecher Orange Dream
I had previously had Sprecher's cream soda and it was pretty incredible. When I came across this bottle, I had to drink it as soon as I left the store. I was definitely not disappointed at all. The orange smell upon opening it was awesome and set me up for the best orange cream soda I've ever had. It's the perfect balance between orange and a rich cream taste. And then, the fire-brewed taste kicks in. It adds just a great taste to it, I'm honestly at a lost for words. It's not the same burn that comes from ginger, but it sits in your stomach in a similar way.

Also, I love the drawing of the cow drinking an orange with a straw. Ridiculous yet awesome!
Soda Pop
Sprecher β€” Website β€” @sprecherbrewery
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Derek Neuland on 3/2/11, 3:15 PM
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Amazon.com β€” Galco’s Pop Stop
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