Sugarcane Island Raw Sugarcane Juice Passion Fruit

Sugarcane Island Raw Sugarcane Juice Passion Fruit
"I could make this at home." might be a chef's worst "comment" from a patron. Most of the time, "Shut up. No you can't, sir. I went to culinary school and you cannot make a duck confit like this in your microwave you fat dump." is what goes through their head. This, though. This is a sweetened passion fruit juice. I've seen passion fruit and I've seen sugar cane. Mush them up and you've got this drink.

Now what is different is that I'm not going to try it and I am happy someone else did it for me. This is good. It tastes like a nice, sweet juice. The passion fruit shines and is, if anything enhanced by the sugar cane and not by some artificial sweetener. There is nothing in this, though. Passion fruit and sugar cane juice. Done. Two ingredients. No mucking about.

So if you are a patron of a restaurant and you eat something you can make at home, good for you. Go home, save some money and make your own. That or open up a restaurant and show that chef who is better. If you're not going to do either of those, enjoy the presence of your friends and family and stop being a regular know-it-all. No one likes that. Be fun to be around.
Sugarcane IslandWebsite@sugarcaneisland
United States
Sugarcane Juice
Mike Literman on 10/22/14, 10:40 AM
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