Suja Essentials Sweet Beets

Suja Essentials Sweet Beets
It's not commonly known that Dr Dre not only has a successful headphones company to go alongside his rap career, but he also dabbles in farming, specifically beets. Yeah, there is really no reason behind it other than he thought it would be funny to have Beets by Dre as well as Beats by Dre. Of course all of this is only true in a fever dream in my brain, but man I really wish it were the case and that man had such a great sense of humor. Seriously think about it. His tagline could be “Straight Outta Compost.”

I would like to think that Suja would get their beets that they juice exclusively from Dre, because they have their finger on the pulse of what's cool from 15-25 years ago. I will only listen to The Chronic while I drink this juice. Okay, that's not true, I'm listening to Belle and Sebastian, because I am a tender, sensitive man, and not hard from the streets. I am drinking the juice though, and it pretty nice. It's a mixture of apple, carrot, orange, beet, banana, and pineapple juice with some turmeric thrown in. I could obviously do without the banana, because I have taste buds, but other than that this leaves a wonderful taste explosion in your mouth. It has that nice dirty, rooty flavor from the beets and carrots. It's a flavor that never sounds good when you describe it, but I personally really like it. The apple juice is there mainly as a base and sweetener while the orange and pineapple juice gives it a slight citrus edge. Overall it's mostly a sweet beet juice, as the name implies. It's not too shabby. It's also available in Target stores all around the US, which is nice to know I can get a quality juice wherever I end up waking in the morning.
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 1/16/15, 4:20 PM
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