Tazo Organic Iced Green

Tazo Organic Iced Green
When you've got it, you've got it. Tazo has it. This tea is a treat, a peach even. People don't really use that any more. Strange how a phrase just doesn't get used anymore, like some committee sat around and said, "Alright ladies and gentlemen. Today we will strike the words 'phat', 'boss', and 'cowabunga' from the American vernacular. Agree? Objections? No. Then it's settled. Let's go get a pizza." This tea is everything. It's perfect for what it is. It's sweet but not too sweet. It's bitter but not too bitter. It's a sweetened green tea that tastes like it should. Not to mention, it's not horrible in the calorie department. If this came in a 40 ounce bottle like malt liquor I would buy it and probably, with no restrictions, drink the whole thing. I don't live in the worst part of town, but if I find myself at the market across the street at, say, 9:30 in the morning, I see people buying 40s. I could now buy a 40 and drink with them. We could hang out. I could make friends with a 40 of this iced tea. Also, if the people who are buying these 40s are just thirsty for that much drink, they could save their livers and get this.

Tazo. Look at the picture I'm painting for you. Do you see all the work I'm doing for you? There is a demographic that you are missing: the early morning thirsty people. These people aren't alcoholics. They're just thirsty. You could sell so much of your drink to a new audience that you could open new factories and employ people. You could take the poor and give them jobs. Tazo! Are you listening to me? I'm having an epiphany. Do this. Make 40 ounces of pure, green tea bliss for everyone. Raining down from the skies like a needed rainstorm during an otherwise dry season, this could satisfy the masses. This tea could unite everyone.
Iced Tea
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 7/9/12, 3:14 PM
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