Titan Tea Pomegranate Green Tea

Titan Tea Pomegranate Green Tea
Something is off with this. At first I thought it tasted like plastic. Then I thought that maybe it had been sitting around too long and had expired. It doesn't and it hadn't. Then I realized that it tastes like the pomegranate that they juiced for the flavoring of this tastes like it wasn't even close to ripe. When it's perfect the fruit is a bit sour, but this is just bitter. I will say that it has one of the most authentic pomegranate tastes I've ever come across in a beverage, unfortunately it's like they took the bad aspects of fruit and left all the wonderful things behind. It's not horrible; it's actually very close to being amazing. That is also its downfall. It leaves me wanting to such an extent that I can't appreciate what is there.
Iced Tea
Titan TeaWebsite@TitanTeaTweets
United States
Organic Fair Trade Certified Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 3/27/17, 8:55 PM
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