True Brew #True Power Smash Berry

True Brew #True Power Smash Berry
Crossovers are always fun. You know when characters from one work of fiction are featured in another work. Okay, maybe the upcoming Simpsons …€“ Family Guy crossover is unnecessary, but I bet you'll laugh at least a handful of times when you watch it. These switcheroo's happen in television, comic books, “normal” books and even video games. A create meshing of characters (that might technical not be a crossover) is Super Smash Bros. It takes a variety of characters from the Nintendo universe and combines them into one fighting game. I mean who hasn't wanted to watch Link mop the screen with a turd like Kirby? The thing is that beating the hell out of videogame characters can be exhausting, and dehydrating. Those characters on screen can simply be reset and they are back to full health. You as a real human, don't have that luxury, actual fluids need to be consumed. Instead of reaching for a soda or an energy drink, why not go a healthy route and down some juice. I mean with a name like Smash Berry you can even pretend that this True Brew juice was made specifically to accompany the game.

Smash Bros has an eclectic cast of characters and Smash Berry has an eclectic grouping of fruits. The label says that their countries of origin are United States, Canada, Brazil, Turkey, China and Poland. That is a whole world of fruits and you can try to determine which of the following are from those countries: apple, acerola, pomegranate, elderberries, blueberries, cranberries, acai, and grapes. Most berry combinations go heavy on the strawberries and raspberries, those two fools are nowhere to be seen here and as a result you can taste the antioxidants. It has a darker taste, but it's not harsh.

As an added bonus for your gaming needs this juice is enriched with vitamin B, which is good for energy and stamina. You can stay up all night bashing the hell out of your favorite characters and be drinking a beverage that your parents can't complain about.
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United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 8/26/14, 2:01 PM
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