Turkey Hill Orange Tea

Turkey Hill Orange Tea
Every once and then Turkey Hill iced teas used to pop up in Buffalo and I always found them to be a treat. Then Tops Markets started always carrying a few of the flavors and I found that once they were readily available, I hardly ever purchased them. I guess that is always the case with me. It's more about the game than the prize itself. Whoa, things just got a bit deep there...anyways since this stuff is based out of PA there are a bunch of Turkey Hill gas stations where their entire line is available. In the past I would have stocked up on all of them, but I only bought this single, smaller, bottle. The game has officially ended.

This is a heavily sweetened black tea (48g of sugar in 16oz) with some real orange juice mixed in. It tastes like a fairly even ratio. While I appreciate the use of real juice, and it does effect the flavor in a positive way, it seems like if they're going to make that effort, they should have used real sugar instead of corn syrup. The sweetener they chose gives the tea a cheap taste that is just unfortunate.

You may find yourself wondering what my new game is, and I can safely say that it is soft pretzels from Philly/Wawa. The amount of them I eat while there is enough to choke a baboon.
Iced Tea
Turkey HillWebsite@turkeyhilldairy
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 12/2/12, 12:01 PM
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