Turkey Hill Raspberry Tea

Turkey Hill Raspberry Tea
When you have an association with a drink, it's hard to get rid of it. Turkey Hill Raspberry iced tea reminds me of summer time in Buffalo, NY. I have drunk countless jugs of the sugary tea over the past 5 years. Naturally, this has given me a good perception of it.

Now I haven't lived in Buffalo for almost 2 years now. I also haven't had this flavor of Turkey Hill iced tea in over 2 years. I think my tolerance for very sugary iced tea is gone. This is just a sugar overload with a slight raspberry taste. As far as non-fancy iced teas go, this is decent. But in the grand scheme of the world of iced tea, this isn't that great and no bit of nostalgia will fix that.
Iced Tea
Turkey HillWebsite@turkeyhilldairy
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Derek Neuland on 1/22/11, 7:34 PM
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