V8 V-Fusion Concord Grape Raspberry

V8 V-Fusion Concord Grape Raspberry
Carl S. Junior, get over here right now and eat your vegetables. You can't just eat the fruit and then run into the mud like a Peppa Pig. I'm sorry, Sharon. Carl is being a bit of a bother. He doesn't like his vegetables. Try what? V8? Sharon, did you listen to me? I said he doesn't like vegetables, not loves them so much he wants to drink them. I swear, Sharon, sometimes...CARL! Get off of Mr. Draper's cat. Manny does not like to be pet that hard and especially not with muddy hands.

I'm sorry, Sharon, you said there was a different kind of V8? V-Fusion? I've never heard of it because I haven't been to a grocery store in about four years. It's a full serving of both fruit and vegetables and doesn't taste like vegetables? Sharon that would be the answer this current situation right now. You know, the one where Carl Jr has climbed Mr. Draper's tree and is readying himself to jump onto his roof if I make him eat another pea. Can I get this anywhere? Yes? Remarkable. Seriously, Sharon, how does it taste. Just like Concord grape juice and a little bit like raspberry? My idiot son can't read so he won't be able to see that it's good for him but he knows what a carrot is so I am going to have to pour this into a cup so he doesn't know that there are vegetables in it.

I don't mind lying to Carl Jr, Sharon. He's a kid. He'll believe anything. It's almost not lying if it's good for them in the end, right? Sure. I've got to go, Sharon. "Uncle" Tom is here. Hey, he likes having an uncle and I like that "uncle" Tom lets him play video games while we work on...you know...no Sharon. He comes over and helps me garden. I said it like that because he isn't a real uncle. Jeez, Sharon. Sometimes I don't know why we're friends.
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 8/14/11, 10:29 PM
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