Vignette Wine Country Soda Chardonnay

Vignette Wine Country Soda Chardonnay
I was skeptical about the Vignette series of sodas, mainly because actual wine smells like death to me. It smells so bad that I can't even comprehend how bad it must taste. Most people seem to love wine, but you know what I'm not most people and I don't trust others tastes.
I cracked this open and the smell was not offensive at all. I took a little sip, and what do we have here? This is really good. I'd even say great. If my memory from 20 years ago is correct, this tastes a lot like Mystic drinks when they used to be carbonated. I'm probably totally off on that, but that's what comes to mind.
It's like the lightest white grape juice, carbonated. There's something else in there as well. I can't quite place what it is, but it's just incredible. I salute you Vignette you have created something that I will now crave, but not be able to get around my hometown.
Juice, Soda Pop and Sparkling
United States
Naturally Sweetened
Jason Draper on 11/8/10, 5:24 PM
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