Virgil's Orange Cream Soda

Virgil's Orange Cream Soda
Upon first sip, the only word that could pass my lips was "Wow." This is by far the best Orange Cream I have ever had the pleasure of partaking in. I quickly let everyone in the room sample it. Everyone was taken aback by how great it was. It hits very crisply, but almost instantly smoothes out. It tastes like someone took the best orange soda this world has ever seen and make an ice cream float out of it. Then that float was left out for a little too long because the maker got a long distance phone call from their aunt in Phoenix, and you know how hard it is to get her off the phone. To be more specific, it tastes exactly like the little bit of meltyness that is left when you finish off an original Orange Julius.
Soda Pop
United States
Unrefined Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 10/14/10, 8:55 AM
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