Welch's 100% Juice Apple

Welch's 100% Juice Apple
Mike is always complaining about reviewing apple juice. You see unless it's the one out of a thousand times that it's something out of the ordinary and exception, or complete garbage, all apple juices pretty much taste the same. I find that strange because there are so many different types of apples out there with such an array of flavors, that I can't imagine every company uses the same type. I would expect each company to have their slightly unique version of apple juice, yet the all taste the same. Perhaps the problem is that they all mix the various apple types and the result is the standard. I guess I'm okay with that. There are types of apples that I'm not really a fan of, but I can never remember which is which. This way I don't have to worry about buying a juice that tastes like the “bad apples.”

Welch's you've done nothing new, or spectacular, here, but that's fine. You've perpetuated the standard and I enjoyed it. I just don't understand why you ship in your apple juice concentrate from China, Chile and Argentina when your company is based out of the North East which is ripe with apple orchards.
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 7/27/12, 10:04 AM
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