Whooppee Citrus Smash

Whooppee Citrus Smash
Nice to meet you, my name is Warren Phillips. I'm a businessman on the go, by trade. Where am I going? Oh you know, here and there doing business type things. What things? Mergers, acquisitions, layoffs, buyouts, the occasional deer wrestling, you know the usual. As long as I have my trusty hat and briefcase I'll make it through this world just fine.

Why yes my brief case is very heavy. Thank you for noticing the sag. The reason is that along with all of my contracts and other paperwork I also have several bottles of Whooppee Citrus Smash soda in there. I do get mighty parched running to and fro all of the time, and it is important for a businessman on the go to stay hydrated. A colleague of mine, Stan Levy, didn't subscribe to that train of thought and that is what led to the Boncroft-Fairfax merger going down the toity. Ever since then I always have at least two bottles of soda in my brief case.

I'm not an idiot. I know that water would be more hydrating and better for me over all. The thing is that I really like the bubbles and carbonated water just tastes wrong. I went to the soda store down on Lexington and I must say they have quite the selection. This bottle instantly jumped out at me. I mean it looks like a caricature of me on the bottle. The little guy has the hat and everything. I now down this stuff daily. Sure I've had to let out all my suits in the waist, but it's worth it. You see not only does it look like I'm on the bottle, which makes me seem more important with my clients, but it also tastes fantastic. It's an orange and lime soda, which you don't see very often. It's also fairly light tasting. Most orange sodas are very thick and heavy, but not this one. Which is perfect for me Warren Phillips, businessman on the go. Speaking of which, I need to be at the Wang Kong exchange like right now! I'm off!
Soda Pop
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 1/9/12, 1:15 PM
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