Xing Tea Green Tea With Raspberry & Honey

Xing Tea Green Tea With Raspberry & Honey
I like this company. With the exception of the sweet tea, which, in my opinion, was just something they did for fun, everything I've had from Xing is very good. Plus, it's an all-natural tea and it's got great flavor options. The green tea always has a nice bitterness that isn't lost in whatever flavor I've tried. This raspberry is no exception. It has a raspberry nose to it and to the tongue, you get raspberry and then a bitter, green tea aftertaste.

I don't know why it's not more available. I found it at a local "half way between corner store and bodega" place. They didn't have a lot of flavors, but beggars can't be choosers, and for that reason, I like this tea. I would easily say that it's better than Arizona Raspberry.
Iced Tea
Xing TeaWebsite@XINGtea
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 11/5/10, 11:49 AM
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