Zingerman's Coffee Company Cold Brew Coffee

Zingerman's Coffee Company Cold Brew Coffee
Many fools out there would consider us experts when it comes to the beverage world. The truth is we are just two dumb guys who like to drink a lot of drinks and write about what we think about them because we are apparently narcissistic and think the world needs to know our opinions, you know like the rest of the internet. Actually this is something that keeps us busy. It's our version of collecting stamps, records, or comics. Whatever our reason for doing what we do, and no matter what people think of us, no one has ever mistook us for authorities when it comes to coffee. We are complete idiots when it comes to this field of beverages and we have no idea what the little things about certain coffees coffee are that make them more desirable than other coffees. Keeping that in mind this is what I have to say about Zingerman's Cold Brew.

This tastes like…€¦coffee. There is nothing extra added to it, just straight up brewed coffee beans. I don't know if that is technically correct since it is cold brewed for 16-24 hours and it doesn't get heated up (I always think of brewing as “cooking.” Am I wrong?). The reason for this is that it reduces the acid and makes the coffee smoother. I can actually acknowledge that this does seem smoother than “iced coffees” that I have had. So it's got that going for it. I'm not going to sit here and pretend that I can detect the different notes in the coffee, because my palate isn't that refined. All I can say is that it tastes like coffee with no harshness to it. It's not the kind of drink that is going to win me over and make me a card carrying member of the Loyal Order of Coffee Aficionados , but I do enjoy it more than I have enjoyed other straight coffees that I have tasted, so that's something.
Zingerman's Coffee CompanyWebsite@zingermans
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 6/8/16, 7:33 AM
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