Cane or Corn Sugar - 4 Reviews

College Club Root Beer

College Club Root Beer
College Club, based out of Rochester, NY, puts out a decent size line of quality sodas. It's a small family business that has been passed on for several generations. We were lucky enough to go to their factory and assist them in bottling some of their soda. It was great to say the least.

We've been enjoying their pops for quite some time now, but somehow we have failed to write a review for their root beer. The first thing I'd like to say is man is it good. It's not a fancy brewed root beer, but it is in the upper echelon of "normal" root beers. It's dark and flavorful. It doesn't taste like spices and herbs, but it also doesn't taste like candy. It tastes like the purest essence of the root beer you would drink as a kid. It's similar to a Mug or a Dad's but it's of a higher quality. We're proud to have them as a fairly local company.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
College ClubWebsite
United States
Cane or Corn Sugar
Jason Draper on 5/31/11, 7:40 PM
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College Club Cola Champagne

College Club Cola Champagne
Nothing says "party" like cake and pop. It's true. Pizza might help. Pointed hats, too. I feel that the basis, the core, of a party is cake and pop. If you don't provide these things you are either:

  1. Old

  2. A lame adult

That's about it. I hope that you, my faithful Thirsty Dudes and Dames fit into neither category.

So today I had a get together at my house and, as one would assume, had ice cream and plenty of beverages. I got this new stock from College Club when Jay and I went there about a month ago and I decided that it was time to bring it to the masses. People all seemed to want the cream soda and the cola champagne. I happily opened both of them and let them have at it. I've had the cream soda before and loved it. The cola champagne was a new addition and I was excited to try it.

I. Did. Not. Like. It. You know who would like it? Nay, love it? 8-years-old kids. An 8 years old boy would love this because it is wildly sweet and it tastes like bubble gum. A couple people liked it and one person said that it was better than the cream soda, but they are simply wrong and I did not let them get away with such blasphemy.

They can't all be winners and it's pop like this that can be a fun experiment and if it sells, it sells, but it won't be sold to me again any time soon.
Soda Pop
College ClubWebsite
United States
Cane or Corn Sugar
Mike Literman on 5/22/11, 11:09 PM
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Cawy Champ's Cola

Cawy Champ's Cola
What is up with Cawy and their bizarre flavors? With a name like Champs Cola wouldn't everyone expect it to be a straight up cola? Well you like me would be mistaken. This is a fruity cola. It is a less intense version of Fruiti Cola. It really only has the faintest tinge of cola. It's more of a fruit pop. I don't like being tricked and I don't like this drink. Even the rad picture of champion George Prince couldn't save this drink.
Soda Pop
United States
Cane or Corn Sugar
Jason Draper on 11/25/10, 10:52 AM
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Cawy Coconut

Cawy Coconut
Mixed reviews galore. I'll give you all of them:

Coconut instantly hits my throat and I instantly think Banana Boat suntan lotion.

Tastes like suntan lotion


It wasn't bad. I mean, it's coconut, for real. If you like coconut, you should like this drink. If you don't, I would basically say that you should get a restraining order against it. It captures a real coconut pretty accurately. You get the sweet taste including the nutty aftertaste. It might sound gross, and it is, but I wish that there was chocolate syrup here so that I could mix it in and make an Almond Joy pop. I wonder if we have any...
Soda Pop and Coconut
United States
Cane or Corn Sugar
Mike Literman on 11/9/10, 8:58 AM
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