Crystalline Fructose and Cane Sugar - 4 Reviews

Glaceau Vitamin Water Coco-Refresh

Glaceau Vitamin Water Coco-Refresh
Welcome to Pineapple Pokopo where we make all of our food to Cokopo…€¦err coconuts. The thing is that the only things that are prevalent on our island are pineapples and sharks. Our president is very insistent on the whole coconut thing though, so he has trained sharks to go to neighboring islands and bully their residents into giving them coconuts to bring back to us here at Pineapple Pokopo!

I must say that using coconut and pineapple in everything definitely limits the food available for us. We do drink a lot of pina coladas though. Actually I'd say that 95% of the occupants of our island are drunk for most of their life. They say it is the only way they can force down the food we have, and deal with their crippling fear of sharks.

Glaceau has hired us to make them a new flavor of Vitamin Water due to our surplus of pineapples, and coconuts since the sharks have gone a little overboard with their bullying. We call it Coco-Refresh, and it is essentially a non-alcoholic pina colada that is rich in vitamins. The residents of the island actually drink them as soon as they awake to help combat the brutal hangover they invariably have until they start drinking again.

Since we do have more pineapples then coconut, regardless of the sharks being jerks, the drinks is heavier on the pineapple then the tree nut. Are coconuts really nuts, or did someone just give them a dumb name because of their hard shells? Either way the coconut that is in the beverage is more along the lines of actual coconut water and not tanning oil. I'll never understand how people can enjoy something that tastes like that. Oh well, our Vitamin Water is refreshing and tasty, like everything here at Pineapple Pokopo. Won't you come and visit?
Coconut and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Crystalline Fructose and Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 7/30/13, 1:27 PM
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Glaceau Vitamin Water Focus

Glaceau Vitamin Water Focus
Sometimes life gets you down and you don't know what to do to make things right. It is the job of your best friend to recognize these times and do the only thing that could possibly save the day: take you to the dirt mall to see a fortuneteller. There is nothing that the dirt mall fortuneteller cannot see about your future. She will guide you onto the righteous path. When you settle down in her stall she will tell you to relax and to focus. She will have a Eastern European accent, so don't let your mind drift to dark places. Also, don't let it drink to this wonderful drink. I understand that it is easy to focus on Focus, but that's not why you're there. You're there to sort your life out. It is very fruity and refreshing though. It's hard to not slip into a train of thought that is filled with strawberries and just the slightest hint of kiwi. A train of thought that is smooth and light, not too syrupy like many thought trains are. It's like a dinning car fill with vitamins and minerals that are needed when you spend most of your meals in a food court. Sure it doesn't really taste the way strawberries do, but more like the way strawberry scented things smell. It's strange that it is still enjoyable, but it is.

Now what did she just say? Ahh yes that your birthday falls between the first and last of Oct-To-Ber.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Crystalline Fructose and Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 2/8/12, 12:04 PM
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Vital Energy Acai Blueberry

Vital Energy Acai Blueberry
I'm going to just right off here by saying that this shouldn't have been the drink that I started with. I judged a book by its cover, saw purple, assumed grape, paid for it, got to the car, and was disappointed. I wanted grape. I desired grape. It's 100% my fault and I hold no blame towards Vital Energy for any sort of false advertising or foul play. I'm an idiot. It's as simple as that. I can read, too. I don't, but I can.

So drink review, huh? Well, as you can guess it tastes like acai with light fruit-ness. The acai is pretty strong but dies out quickly, which for me, is good. It's a light drink, lighter than Vitamin Water. What's extra nice about it is that for an energy drink with the equivalent of "a large cup of coffee", it doesn't taste like a handful of Smarties. Good job on that, dudes. I can say dudes because I actually met the guys behind this company at a Less Than Jake show over this past winter. Two young dudes from Rochester, New York manned the booth as I tried to mention good ol' Thirsty Dudes. They were too busy. Apparently they didn't know who I was, and I was with Jay so we were 2/3 of the powerhouse.

Check it out. This drink can compete with the big guys and it's made by two kids, yeah, I'll call them kids, who if they were any "regular" mid-twenty year old dude would rather be slaying ugly chicks on bar strips and working at a bank in the day time, all the while dreaming of their next beer blast. Good job on doing something with your life.
Energy Drink and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Vital EnergyWebsite@vitalenergy
United States
Crystalline Fructose and Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 5/4/11, 7:18 AM
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Glaceau Vitamin Water XXX

Glaceau Vitamin Water XXX
When I first came across this flavor many years ago, I got really excited since XXX is commonly associated with straight edge. Sadly, the quirky writing on the side of the bottle makes no mention of refraining from drugs and alcohol. Instead, they decided to make a bad joke about the adult film industry. Despite this, this will always be the straight edge flavor of Vitamin Water.

Name aside, I love the taste of this. Like most Vitamin Water, it's the perfect amount of sweetness and full of flavor. The blueberry and pomegranate are the prominent flavors here, and they mesh together really well.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Crystalline Fructose and Cane Sugar
Derek Neuland on 2/13/11, 4:55 PM
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