Pure Granulated Sugar - 2 Reviews

Northwoods Soda Orange Cream Soda

Northwoods Soda Orange Cream Soda
Before I go into some incoherent rambling, I'd like to make it known that I really enjoy the art of the label of this bottle of soda. Those orange slices look perfect, and I could only dream that I could draw like that. My art skills are at a minimum, so I always appreciate when someone puts time and effort into a label that wasn't just done in Photoshop. Those slices are just my style.

It feels like it has been years since I drank and orange cream soda. While they are not my favorite, I do enjoy them to some extent. The first thing that always comes to mind is that they taste like a carbonated, melted creamsicle. This soda does a bit more than emulating dripping ice cream. It starts off with a 70/30 split of orange and cream, after you swallow the percentages switch and the cream takes over most of the flavor. It's almost like you are drinking two different sodas and it keeps things interesting. While it's not quite like adding vanilla extract to soda water and then squeezing an orange into it (think of how good that would be) it is on the better side of these types of sodas.
Soda Pop
Northwoods SodaWebsite
United States
Pure Granulated Sugar
Jason Draper on 2/26/16, 3:05 PM
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Northwoods Soda Wild Bill's Root Beer

Northwoods Soda Wild Bill's Root Beer
First things first; This is Northwoods Soda's “Wild Bill's Root Beer” and it is not to be confused with the company Wild Bill's that also makes root beer. I'm not sure which company came first and who is the proper owner of the title according to the judicial system in this country, but it can be confusing. Northwoods is made in northern Michigan, and I grabbed it on a recent drive through the U.P., which I hope I can do again when the weather gets nicer.

On question I have is who named this gentleman Wild Bill? Is it a joke name like calling a fat man Slim? The picture on the label shows an aging man who looks proud of the root beer he has concocted. There is nothing about the picture that would make me question his sanity or think of him as a crazy party animal. He does have something to be proud of though, as he has made a tasty bubbly beverage.

This is a root beer with a heavy caramel flavor to it, especially in the aftertaste. It's a nice soda that lets you pick out the flavors that make up root beer and not just a general amalgamation of them all mixed together. There is some nice licorice and vanilla in here, without either being extremely present. I'm not a huge caramel guy, but the way it's done in here is quite nice and it left me wanting more when the bottle was done.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
Northwoods SodaWebsite
United States
Pure Granulated Sugar
Jason Draper on 11/22/15, 12:20 PM
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