Zucchero - 3 Reviews

Esta The Limone

Esta The Limone
When I'm in my homeland and I order a lemon iced tea I know exactly what I'm getting myself into. A sweetened black tea that has far too much lemon in it for it's own good. Keep in mind that I am not a fan of lemons (except in lemonade form, try to figure that one out), and I always think that people go overboard when adding this flavor. While walking the streets of Turin, Italy I didn't expect much of a difference for what I was used to. I'm always assuming too much that that is my problem. When I assume, I'm more often than not, wrong.

For starters this did not have a standard black tea for a base. I can't read the ingredients, but from the floral taste I will say that it is some sort of herbal tea. It certainly didn't taste like black, white or green tea. It wasn't floral like jasmine tea; it was closer to something rose flavored, but not as specific and strong. That on it's own gave it immediate points. I love different varieties of tea. To make matters even better the lemon flavoring wasn't over the top, and neither was the amount of sweetener used. Overall it was a pretty mellow, slightly floral tea. It was a nice treat from the basic lemon black tea that I had expected to hit my lips.
Iced Tea
Esta TheWebsite
Jason Draper on 5/20/14, 9:30 PM
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Lemon Soda Pina Colada Soda

Lemon Soda Pina Colada Soda
There's nothing like spending a day at the beach and keeping cool with a nice tall glass of tanning oil. Wait…€¦No that is disgusting. Unfortunately that is how nearly all pina colada drinks smell/taste; A potentially great drink is ruined by olfactory association.

Lucky for everyone involved that this soda breaks free from that mold. This company is taking pina colada back for you, the common (wo)man. In fact, this may be the tastiest pina colada I have ever tasted (keep in mind I don't drink alcohol, so I've never had “the real thing.”). The flavor here is mostly pineapple, but the coconut smooths it out, and I do mean smoothed out. The coconut in here is almost like vanilla is in cream soda. It almost tastes like candy, but not in a “this tastes cheap, like candy” sort of way. It reminds me of those giant suckers you could get at amusement parks (specifically Crystal Beach) in the 80s/early 90s.

For a flavor that I don't normally get into, this really hit the spot on a nice hot day.
Soda Pop
Lemon SodaWebsite
Jason Draper on 5/20/14, 10:19 AM
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Lemon Soda Mojito soda

Lemon Soda Mojito soda
Ladies and Gentlemen, Step right up. Step right up! Do you love the sour citrus taste of limes? Does your body crave the brisk, refreshing taste of mint? Then do we have a product for you! We have created a soda with an extremely strong lime flavor and added just the right amount of mint to give it the perfect taste. I know what you're thinking, and you're right who wants the sensation of drinking soda while chewing gum at the same time? No one, that is who. We have carefully engineered this drink to perfection so that it has no similarity to imbibing post tooth brushing or while chewing gum.

When flavors commingle like this true magic occurs. Not only does it taste amazing but also it is also ridiculously refreshing. This is a nice take on a classic alcoholic beverage. Kids and adult teetotalers can now enjoy it at their leisure. All for the low, low price of one Euro. Where are you going to beat that on the streets of Italy, friends?
Soda Pop
Lemon SodaWebsite
Jason Draper on 5/5/14, 11:20 AM
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