Arbonne - 1 Review

Arbonne Essentials Chocolate

Arbonne Essentials Chocolate
I wish I worked out. I know it sounds stupid because all I have to do to make that happen is physically work out but I can't seem to find the drive. Maybe in the winter I'll do some spinning in my basement. I've done it before and it's low impact and I'm pretty good at it. Here's my goal:

I want to enter my house in early December not to be seen until mid-March. In those four months I want to just take really good care of myself. I will spin for like two hours every day. Just rack up miles in the privacy of my basement listening to nothing but really fast metal and electronic, you know, to get me pumped. After a workout, I'll properly carb up with these Arbonne protein shakes. They are super thick and smooth. Lingeringly thick, which is fine, because they don't have that "too much protein" taste like someone made chocolate milk and put too much powder in it and you have to suffer the consequences. The flavor is a good chocolate taste like an almond milk type taste. With that I'll have the power to destroy a couple more miles on the bike because I just pass out until the morning. Come March I will emerge looking like I was carved from marble and the ladies they will swoon but have no idea that I am way to apathetic to care about their seemingly endless advances. Other guys will envy me but all I care about is fitness and sinking my teeth into the nearest burrito. Yeah, burritos.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Sugar Cane
Mike Literman on 9/13/12, 1:47 PM
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